OTP's Mini-Curve stage roof has a curved canopy covering 18 square metres on a LiteDeck substructure. At 4.5m wide x 4.0m deep it provides room for a typical 5-piece band and is an ideal 'entry-level' option for smaller outdoor events and festivals requiring the rigging options and visual impact of a truss-based stage but within a tighter budget.
Sides and back can be hung with semi-permeable mesh for rain protection; or can be left fully open.
This stage roof can be ground-anchored or use a water-ballast system. When required, the necessary ballast tanks are provided with the stage but it is the customer's responsibility to provide a suitable water supply.
Supplied with mounted wind speed monitoring system; structure earthing; manufacturer's structural calculations; and OTP installation sign-off certificate.
This structure also makes a superb FOH control position.
Other covered stages available from OTP:
4.5m Mini Curve covered stage:
1/4: Open sides for a summer fundraising event.
4.5m Mini Curve covered stage:
2/4: Open sides for a summer fundraising event.
4.5m Mini Curve covered stage:
3/4: An ideal village festival stage!
4.5m Mini Curve covered stage.
4/4: An ideal village festival stage!