OTP roundel Origin Technical Productions title
Production Power distribution

Power distribution & Generator hire

Well planned design and safely installed power distribution is key for all sizes of site and OTP's engineers are fully qualified and widely experienced from other events including Glastonbury.

Working with a number of trusted suppliers, OTP provides professionally managed power distribution systems and suitable generator configurations for any size of event.

Alongside power distribution, the importance of site and amenity lighting design should never be overlooked, even for the smallest of public events. OTP will ensure that your site meets all regulatory and HSE requirements.

OTP operates a partner company Origin Event Power that offers high quality and competitively priced Bruno BGG UK generators from 20kVA to 100kVA for generator hire across Oxfordshire, Gloucestershire, Berkshire, Northamptonshire Areas.

63Amp and 32Amp power distribution cables. 60kVA generator on site. Pair of 60kVA road-tow generators on site. Pair of 60kVA road-tow generators on site at Hampton Court.
Power distribution:
1/4: Not just 63Amp and 32Amp power distribution cables!
Generator hire:
2/4: 60kVA road-tow generator on site.
Generator hire:
3/4: Pair of 60kVA road-tow generators on site for wedding.
Generator hire:
4/4: Generators & bowser on site at Hampton Court.
Wyndham House, Lester Way, Wallingford, Oxfordshire OX10 9TD
Yard access from Lupton Road, OX10 9BS
Production & Hire Telephone: +44(0)1235 816497
© Origin Technical Productions Ltd
Wednesday 19th February 2025   5:52am
Registered in England and Wales Company registration No.8297114
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