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Celebrations, College Balls, Weddings...

Celebrations, whether public, shared with colleagues or with close friends and family, should be times for creating great memories and free of organisational stress. Leave OTP to take care of all the technical production aspects of your event, be it small and intimate or large and flamboyant.

Following initial meetings to discuss plans and budget, OTP works closely with clients to ensure sensitive venue dressing, carefully tailored sound, and subtle and considered lighting; as well as planning other key aspects such as site management, power distribution and site amenities. With professional engineers on hand, your special event will be one to remember.

Where project scope allows, OTP can bring additional creativity to enhance an event's theme with decor and props.

St. Peter's College Ball, Oxford. Wedding celebration. Wedding celebration. Wedding celebration.
College Ball Production:
1/4: St. Peter's College, Oxford.
Wedding celebration:
2/4: Bespoke white walkway and stage, Hampshire Four Seasons.
Wedding celebration:
3/4: Ambient and architectural lighting, Great Hall, Blenheim Palace.
Wedding celebration:
4/4: Lighting, draping and aisle carpeting, Hampshire Four Seasons.
Wyndham House, Lester Way, Wallingford, Oxfordshire OX10 9TD
Yard access from Lupton Road, OX10 9BS
Production & Hire Telephone: +44(0)1235 816497
© Origin Technical Productions Ltd
Friday 24th January 2025   1:19pm
Registered in England and Wales Company registration No.8297114
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