OTP roundel Origin Technical Productions title
Staging Outdoor covered stages 6m MR1

MR1 6m stage roof

Please contact us for alternative PA wing options

OTP's Milos MR1 6m QuickTruss temporary stage roof system covers a stage area 6m wide x 5.5m deep and is ideal for creating a small covered festival stage, concert stage or temporary outdoor event area.

Sides and back are normally hung with semi-permeable mesh and can be intermally lined with black wool serge drapes; or the stage an be left fully open. Alternatively, a custom printed mesh wall or banner can be used.

This stage roof requires a water ballast system. The necessary ballast tanks are provided with the stage but it is the customer's responsibility to provide a suitable water supply.

At 4.7m high, the truss structure also makes a superb ground support system for use within larger venues.

Other covered stages available from OTP:

BBC Introducing stage at Courtyfile Live. 6m arc roof stage over water at Sunningwell Festival. 6m arc roof stage at Oxford Castle summer music festival. 6m arc roof outdoor stage with PA wings. 6m arc roof stage at VIP ceremony. 6m wide arc roof outdoor covered stage for Christmas lights switch-on. 6m wide arc roof outdoor covered stage.
6m wide outdoor covered stage:
1/7: BBC Introducing stage at Courtyfile Live.
6m wide outdoor covered stage:
2/7: MR1 Arc Roof (over water), Sunningwell Festival.
6m wide outdoor covered stage:
3/7: Summer Concerts at Oxford Castle.
6m wide outdoor covered stage:
4/7: With additional scrimmed PA structures, Camp Soul.
6m wide outdoor covered stage:
5/7: MR1 Arc Roof and VIP seating deck.
6m wide outdoor covered stage:
6/7: Christmas lights switch-on in Sutton, Greater London.
6m wide outdoor covered stage:
7/7: With Layher PA towers with branded scrims and central banner.
Wyndham House, Lester Way, Wallingford, Oxfordshire OX10 9TD
Yard access from Lupton Road, OX10 9BS
Production & Hire Telephone: +44(0)1235 816497
© Origin Technical Productions Ltd
Sunday 30th March 2025   6:35pm
Registered in England and Wales Company registration No.8297114
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