OTP roundel Origin Technical Productions title
Staging Outdoor covered stages 10m Bandstand

10m bandstand

The OTP 10m octagonal bandstand stage roof is a truss construction, usually on a Layher base structure. The stage area can be hand-railed if required.

This covered stage is ideal for any performance being given 'in the round'and can be built at various stage and roof heights.

Ballasting can be by ground anchors, water tanks or other solid ballast. If required, the necessary ballast tanks are provided but is the customer's responsibility to provide a suitable water supply.

Other covered stages available from OTP:

10m bandstand as a stage 'in the round' at Hampton Court. 10m bandstand stage at CountryFile Live. Truss-based 10m Bandstand stage roof for private school event. 10m Bandstand at Waterperry open-air theatre. 10m Bandstand at Waterperry open-air theatre. 10m Bandstand at Waterperry open-air theatre.
10m bandstand stage roof:
1/6: Theatre 'In the round' for socially distanced audience at Hampton Court Tudor School event.
10m bandstand stage roof:
2/6: On Layher base at CountryFile Live.
10m bandstand stage roof:
3/6: Bandstand with line array for private school event.
10m bandstand stage roof:
4/6: As performance area cover at Waterperry open-air theatre.
10m bandstand stage roof:
5/6: As performance area cover at Waterperry open-air theatre.
10m bandstand stage roof:
6/6: As performance area cover at Waterperry open-air theatre.
Wyndham House, Lester Way, Wallingford, Oxfordshire OX10 9TD
Yard access from Lupton Road, OX10 9BS
Production & Hire Telephone: +44(0)1235 816497
© Origin Technical Productions Ltd
Sunday 30th March 2025   6:32pm
Registered in England and Wales Company registration No.8297114
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